Watch “The New, Unstable Normal Roundtable” Today

See How To Use Five Big Shifts To Future-Proof Your IT Planning

After all you’ve done to innovate in the face of a pandemic including things you had probably thought impossible you may find this hard to believe, but: 

…technology leaders have to acknowledge that we will have to live with COVID-19 for the next decade and that pandemics will become more common. 

Yes, even when COVID-19 wanes, the effects on your business will continue to unfold for years. That’s why it is so important to understand how to respond effectively to five of the most important shifts in business and technology highlighted by the pandemic.

Watch this roundtable webinar on the “new, unstable normal” to hear analysts Anjali Lai, Sucharita Kodali, Melissa Parrish, James McQuivey, Alla Valente, Brian Hopkins, and Stephanie Balaouras discuss these five macro shifts, and how to account for them as you plan.

You’ll discover: 

  • What your customers will expect next.
  • Why you must retire your technical debt — fast.
  • How digital engagement will impact customer experience.
  • Why the once impossible will become standard operating procedure.
  • The new meaning and role of business resiliency.

Complete the form to watch this on-demand webinar

60 minutes
